The Marketing Group USA

Get Free Leads from Social Media Platforms

We'll set up and optimize your social media profiles to attract your ideal clients. We'll create and schedule weekly posts to help pull in more leads.

Facebook social media management lead generation from Forest City Painters client

Tailored Social Media Management Services

We'll set up and/or optimize your social media profiles to attract your ideal clients. We'll also schedule weekly posts that showcase your services or promotions to draw in more free leads.

Through our social media management services, we've generated thousands of free leads and jobs for our clients. Ready to get more leads? Reach out to us today!

Facebook and Instagram weekly postings and management for clients

Our Social Media Services Include

Profile Creation/Optimization

We'll set up or optimize your social media profiles to attract free leads that are interested in your services within your service area.

Weekly Postings Created

We'll create weekly postings that showcase your services and helps draw in new free leads. These posts will also help you rank on Google.

Lead Tracking & Reporting

We'll set you up with our complimentary lead tracking system so that you we can measure the performance of your social media profiles.


Get Results from Your Social Media Profiles

You’ll start to see your social media accounts growing and leads flowing over time from our social media service. You won’t have to manage social media at all- let us take care of it for you!

Ready to start generating more leads and revenue for your business? Reach out to us below and we’ll schedule a time to walk you through an ideal game plan to attract more high quality leads at a cost effective price.

Facebook and Instagram weekly postings and management for clients

What Our Clients Say About Us

Ready to Get More Social Media Leads?

Take the first step towards getting more leads. Fill out the form below to get in contact with us today.

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